Remote working has become the new norm today. Many businesses have moved to a more permanent remote working policy, with employees setting up home offices and getting on with their jobs. However, it doesn’t come without challenges. Working from home changes the way employees interact with their colleagues and managers, not having a break between work and life can also negatively impact mental health and motivation levels.
Keeping your employees motivated while working from home is essential for organisational performance. Here are six ideas to help keep your employees motivated while working from home:
1. Create an online community
Tools such as virtual conferencing software can help with a sense of face-to-face collaboration. Encourage professional and personal conversations among colleagues to help with socialisation and to maintain a sense of belonging. Activities such as virtual quizzes can be a great way to boost morale.
2. Improve Communication
Regular and clear communication to all employees is essential to bridging the gap between remote employees. Establish regular check-ins to see how your team are getting on and open up a forum for honest communication.
3. Encourage a Growth Mindset
It can be easy to feel uninspired by being cut off from the outside world. You can motivate your team to dedicate some time to learn and grow. Implementing a growth mindset and learning culture can help your employees to focus on their potential, not just current performance.
4. Build a Visual Scoreboard
Provide visibility of goals and progress with a visual scoreboard that shows individual and team progress. This can help motivate employees to achieve their goals and KPIs. You can also use it in your regular check-in meetings to keep people engaged with their goals.
5. Provide flexibility and Focus on accomplishments
It’s important to recognise that when employees work from home, they may need to juggle work and household chores (plus children and pets). Be flexible in your approach and try not to micro-manage peoples time as it will likely only lead to them feeling burdened and anxious. Focus on goals and objectives rather than timesheets.
6. Recognise employee efforts and achievements
Employee recognition is an essential part of keeping your staff motivated. Recognise efforts and achievements and celebrate success, even the small wins. This will give your employees a sense of accomplishment and lead to them feeling more confident, engaged and motivated.
Keeping your employees motivated while working from home can be challenging. However, adopting some basic techniques to keep your team motivated can go a long way for productive remote working.